How to add stylesheet in Next.js ?
NextJs is a React-based framework that provides developers with all the tools required for production. Next.js is a react-based framework. It has the powers to Develop beautiful Web applications for different platforms like Windows, Linux, and mac....
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Build an Online Code Compiler using React.js and Node.js
In this article, we will learn how to build an online code compiler using React.js as frontend and Express.js as backend. Users will be able to write C, C++, Python, and Java code with proper syntax highlighting as well as compile and execute it online. The main objective of building an online compiler is to facilitate any user such that programs of any language can be compiled and run without downloading any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or compiler....
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How to call function inside render in ReactJS ?
In React JS, the render method is a fundamental part of a component’s lifecycle. It is responsible for rendering the component’s JSX markup onto the DOM. While the render method itself should primarily handle rendering JSX, there are scenarios where you may need to call a function inside the render method. But it is not a good practice and may have some side effects instead you can call the functions in the lifecycle methods....
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How to add push notification feature in React JS ?
Push notifications are used to inform users about updates, messages, or events within your web application. In ReactJS, push notifications can be integrated using service workers and the Notifications API....
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How to stop a form submit action using jQuery ?
In this article, we will learn how to stop a form submit action using jQuery. By default, the HTML form submits automatically. Submitting automatically leads to reloading the whole page again and again. Therefore for performing any operation, we have to prevent its default submission. Given a form, the task is to stop the submit action of the form using jQuery....
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How to build a node.js proxy server ?
In this article, we will create a Node.js proxy that forwards requests to different servers or endpoints....
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How to determine the size of a component in ReactJS ?
To determine the size of a component in ReactJS we have to create the reference to access that object. This can be done by using the createRef method and the useRef hook in React JS....
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How to take user input in JavaScript?
Interacting with the user by taking inputs is essential to make an application engaging and user-friendly. Whether building a simple form validation script or a complex web application that relies on user interactions, mastering the art of taking user input in JavaScript is essential....
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TypeScript Anonymous Functions Type
In TypeScript, an Anonymous Function Type represents a function without a specific name. It defines the shape of functions by specifying parameter types and return types, allowing flexible and reusable function definitions....
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How to create a table in react-native ?
React native is a framework developed by Facebook for creating native-style apps for iOS & Android under one common language, JavaScript. Initially, Facebook only developed React Native to support iOS. However, with its recent support of the Android operating system, the library can now render mobile UI’s for both platforms....
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Explain Type assertions in TypeScript
In Typescript, Type assertion is a technique that informs the compiler about the type of a variable. Type assertion is similar to typecasting but it doesn’t reconstruct code. You can use type assertion to specify a value’s type and tell the compiler not to deduce it. When we want to change a variable from one type to another such as any to number etc, we use Type assertion....
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What are Arrow/lambda functions in TypeScript ?
The Arrow/ lambda function is a concise form of a normal function in Typescript. Arrow functions are also known as lambda functions. We use “=>” (arrow symbol) in the arrow function and we do not use the ‘function’ keyword. We can use this method when we want our code to be short and not call the function each time....
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